Teacher/Educator Information
Lu Jong 1 Teacher
Lu Jong 1 Educator
Lu Jong 2 Teacher
Five Elements Teacher
Five Elements Educator
About me
During one of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s birthday celebration I was listening to His message He gave online from His residence in Dharamsala.
I was touched by the way how He explained a simple truth that we are all the same human beings with Buddha nature and I got inspired by His advise to develop peace of mind which is a subject of health related to happiness. Among all, His Holiness said that peaceful mind is very similar to the mind of a child which does not distinguish the race, religion or nationality.
He also mentioned His three commitments He was and still is dedicated to – compassion, religious harmony on a global level and preservation of knowledge of Tibet from Nalanda tradition.
His Holiness further asked everyone who was listening to His speech to keep those three commitments as His birthday present. Short time after I started to search the way how to put the three commitments into life, the opportunity to learn Lu Jong came to me. Then Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche appeared in one of my dreams. And my heart decided to follow.

Lu Jong is a wonderful method which keeps my body and mind healthy and peaceful, increases my energy and is helping me to reveal and discover wisdom our Tibetan brothers and sisters share with the world. I view Lu Jong as a highly spiritual practice. And it is my pleasure and honour to teach it anyone who asks me to.
May it be beneficial for all sentient beings!
My Courses
Teaching Format
In Person & Online
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