Teacher/Educator Information
Lu Jong 1 Teacher
Five Elements Teacher
About me
Born in 1976 and residing in the Netherlands, I have dedicated my life to mastering and sharing practices that foster physical, mental, and spiritual health. Through my continuous learning and teaching, I aspire to create a nurturing space for healing, growth, and the exploration of the profound connection between body and mind. My journey has led me through comprehensive training in various healing and spiritual practices, and I am excited to share these skills to enhance your life. I strive to provide a safe and supportive environment where you can grow, heal, and achieve your true potential. Let's embark on a journey together towards a healthier, more balanced, and joyful life.
My Courses
Kum Nye Massage – This training has equipped me to offer this ancient Tibetan massage technique. I aim to guide you towards inner harmony, integrating physical rejuvenation with spiritual mindfulness.

Lu Jong 1 Yoga – As a certified Lu Jong 1 Yoga teacher, my classes in this unique form of yoga are an effective self-healing practice, aiming to bring balance to both body and mind.

Five Elements Practices Teacher Training – These teachings focus on the balance of the five elements within, which is essential for overall well-being and achieving inner peace.

Buddhist Psychology in Daily Life – This training has enriched my understanding of how Buddhist principles can be applied to everyday life, offering valuable insights into mental and emotional well-being.
Teaching Format
In Person
Contact Information
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Last Name
van Hooff
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Address Information 1
De Wereld van Morgen
Zomertaling 27
6601 DW