Teacher/Educator Information
Lu Jong 1 Teacher
About me
I've been practicing Lu Jong for about a decade and became a teacher via Mariette de Kroon in February '19.
I enjoyed a very solid, foundational teacher education with much attention to detail. I'm confident that my lessons are in the same vein. Practicing and teaching Lu Jong is my anchor in life, giving me joy and purpose .
My Courses

Leer Lu Jong in 5 sessies over een weekend. Met als doel dit helende practice zelf thuis te beoefenen, om jouw geluk en volle potentieel te realiseren.

Lu Jong is een Tibetaanse bewegingsleer, is voor iedereen te beoefenen. Lu=lichaam, Jong= beweging/transformatie.

Bewegingen zijn speels en tevens heel effectief. Effectief in de zin , voelbaar in het lichaam. Het hart wordt benadrukt als onze centrum van intentie en ons compas. In de loop van het weekend wordt de practice steeds meer eigen. Men gaat naar huis met de 5 elementen op zak!
Tijdens de Lu Jong les zitten we of op een meditatie kussen en yogamat, of een stoel. De 5 elementen oefeningen zijn staand. We maken kennis met een aantal van de overige Lu Jong bewegingen , bewegingen die horen tot de overige 3 groepen van de Lu Jong (Lichaamsdelen , vitale organen en condities) Elke beweging heeft zijn eigen, specifieke heilzame werking.

Lesstof includeert achtergrond informatie bv: fysiologische effecten , Tantrayana Boeddhisme, Tulku Lobsang, Tibetaanse geneeskunde

Waar: Voeljewel oefenzaal , Vlietweg 14, Leidschendam

Wanneer : Vrijdag 14 maart 2025 : 19h30-21h30

Zaterdag 15 en Zondag 16 maart: 10h00-18h00


Anne-Marie (Lu Jong weekend aan de Maas): "Zelf vond ik het mooi om te merken dat je aan de ene kant helemaal leeg wordt en als het ware een vorm van 'onthecht', terwijl je tegelijkertijd heel erg de verbinding voelt met alles en iedereen om je heen "

Thea (Lu Jong weekend stadspark Groningen) :"Dankzij de liefdevolle begeleiding van Irene met de Lu Jong oefeningen , voel ik me gezonder en rustiger van lichaam en geest.”


Vrijdagavond: Informatie en eerste Lu Jong sessie

Zaterdag en Zondag : 10h00-12h00 Lu Jong

Aansluitend : Lunch

13h30-14h30: Mindfulness wandeling met Kum Nye massage

Aansluitend : Thee met versnapering

15h30-17h30: Lu Jong

Tot 18h00: vragen en antwoorden en afronding

Kosten : 150 euro all-in

Alle benodigdheden zijn aanwezig in de zaal, inclusief stoelen.

Maximaal 6 deelnemers , minimaal 3

Aanmelden via :

Whatsapp: 06 38629767

Wees Welkom!
Liefs Irene

Algemene info in het Engels:
Since October '19 I teach a weekly clas in Lu Jong 1 in Leidschendam, The Netherlands. The group is very stable and constant. The importance and intensity of the practice is ever apparent. Our blind participant has recently passed away. We will always remember her and what she taught us as she learned and practiced Lu Jong too.

Wednesday mornings: 8h45-10h15.
Venue :Outside location: Park on the Via Verdi, Leidschendam: provide your own attributes.
Inside location: Vlietweg 14, Leidschendam, there is no need to bring along anything really.

Costs: Using a "strippenkaart " system:
Outside location : 11euros per session, strippenkaart with 10 strips: 110euros
Inside location: 15 euros per session , strippenkaart 10 strips : 150 euros
Buying less strips per time is also possible ( any variable is fine)
Strips are only used when one is present or if , in the case of the inside location, one cancels after 20h00 on the evening before the session.
Strippenkaarten don't expire but naturally, practicing Lu Jong is beneficial when done regularly.

Holidays or absenteeism : it is our norm to state these dates as soon as one knows when one will be away. This of course counts for myself equally.
About the lesson:
First we open our hearts to the practice : diamond heart practice. We use various meditation methods along with effective breathing exercises. Thought patterns subside while awareness, body awareness , increases.
Next we warm up the body for the next phase: diamond body practice . For example light stretches and joint movements.
In Diamond body practice we practice the Lu Jong movements of which there are 21. The first five are the element movements and these we do every lesson. The remaining movements are organized into a further 3 groups : the limbs and body parts, the organs, and the conditions. We practice a number of these movements . All movements are playful and easy to do but at the same time very effective and the whole body is included in the Lu Jong.
We end the session with Diamond mind practice where we empty the brain of thoughts entirely, ending with a powerful wish for humanity .

Besides the weekly sessions I organise and teach Lu Jong during weekend intensive retreats. This is especially tuned for people who know nothing about Lu Jong . At the end of the weekend (5 or 6 sessions) participants are able to practice at home , the diamond heart, body, and mind practice including the 5 element movements. Weekends take place in Maasland : (minimum of 3 nights at this location)
Camping is a viable alternative: (in the past: Loosdrecht, Lu Jong aan de Maas, Lu Jong is stadspark Groningen)
Weekends are planned in accordance with the wishes of the participants.
The impact of these weekends on both participants and myself is phenomenal; quite beyond words.

If you read this and feel a weekend grabs your fancy, let me know and we can organise one (minimum of 3 participants)

CARDIFF: The first weekend of October '24 a weekend intensive will take place in Cardiff Wales in the Cardiff yoga centre, adjacent to the Buddhist Centre Cardiff.
Learn the Lu Jong 1 Tibetan healing practice including the 5 element movements.
Make acquaintance with the rest of the movements.
The course includes background information:Physiological benefits, Tantrayana Buddhism, Tulku Lobsang, Tibetan medicine.

Online sessions take place on a weekly basis on Thursday morning 9h00 CET in support of those who have participated in a weekend retreat and who cannot attend the live classes.
Teaching Format
In Person & Online
Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
van der Molen
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+31 638629767
Address Information 1
Lu Jong Leidschendam
Vlietweg 14