Event Begins: |
Monday, 23 September 2024 14:00 |
Event Ends: |
Monday, 23 September 2024 20:00 |
Teacher: |
Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche |
Contact: |
Nangten Menlang International registration@tulkulobsang.org |
Organized by: |
Nangten Menlang International |
Further details: |
- The Tog Chöd Online Live Master Class is held on:
Monday, 23 September 2024: 14:00 – 20:00 (CEST) The above indicated starting and end times are local time in Vienna, Berlin and Madrid.
- Session Schedule:
Session 1: 14:00 – 15:30 (CEST) Session 2: 15:45 – 17:15 (CEST) Session 3: 17:45 – 18:45 (CEST) Session 4: 19:00 – 20:00 (CEST)
- This Master Class will be held through "Zoom".
In order to access the Online Master Class you need to download the Zoom App onto the device through which you want to join the Master Class. Here is the link for downloading Zoom: https://zoom.us/download. In case you already have the Zoom App, please make sure that you update it to its latest version.
A couple of days before the Master Class we will provide you by email with the Zoom link (as well as Zoom Meeting-ID and Password) that you need to access the Master Class. Please note: You do not need a Zoom account and you do not need to log into Zoom.
Registration for the First Certification Online Master Class is only possible through our website. Other registration requests (via email, phone, etc) cannot be accepted.
Please note:
Only students who are currently finalising their Tog Chöd Teacher Education may participate in the First Certification Master Class.
IMPORTANT: If you have started your Tog Chöd Education BEFORE 2023, you need to register and pay for the Tog Chöd Master Class. If you have started your Tog Chöd Education in 2023 or later, no separate registration or payment for the Master Class is necessary, as the Master Class was included in your Teacher Certification Program registration and payment.
In order to attend the Master Class it is required to have a webcam. The webcam must be switched on during the entire event.
Rinpoche will be teaching in English. Once you have entered the meeting, you can choose if you wish to have German, Spanish, Portuguese, French or no translation. Please note: The latest possible date to sign-up for people who need Portuguese or French translation, is 18 September 2024.
In order to successfully complete the Master Class, it is required to continuously attend the entire event. Furthermore, it is required that the participants practice actively during practice sessions.
For further information please see the “FAQs & Information” section below.
Price: |
FAQs & Information: |
Click here |
- Please make sure to be ready in time for the start of the event.
- Find a suitable location with a well-functioning internet connection where you have enough space and peace for participating in this online live event.
- In order to attend the Master Class it is required to have a webcam. The webcam must be switched on during the entire event.
- In case you would like to take notes, please also prepare pen and paper.
- Please note that you will not need your sword for this event.
If you wish to be notified when registration for this event opens, please click the button below.
Online registration for this event is already closed.
The Master Class is the final part of your Tog Chöd Teacher Certification Program and is open ONLY to students who will complete their Teacher Education Course before the Master Class. Those students need to have passed their Qualifying Exam with their Educator, they need to have taken the written Online Exam and their Educator must have submitted their Practice Video to NMI prior to the Master Class. Attending the Master Class is the last step for participants of the Teacher Certification Program to become Certified Teachers.
The Master Class – led by Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche – allows participants to receive direct transmission from the master, connect to their lineage and their method more strongly, refine their movements and deepen their knowledge in a group as a Teacher Sangha.
- This Online Master Class will focus on Tog Chöd teachings and meditation practice. There will be no physical practice of the Tog Chöd Movements.
- In addition you can expect:
- an in-depth video analysis of all Tog Chöd Movements to help you refine your own practice
- the transmission of the Tog Chöd Mantra by Rinpoche
- a practice session on Foundational Tsa Lung
All this makes the Master Class a very special experience!
Those students who have met all the requirements and attended the Master Class fully and continuously, will receive their Tog Chöd Teaching Certificate in the weeks after the Certification Event.