The Power of Love

Love is the essence of all energy. It is the only thing that truly motivates us in life. When there is no love, everything can make us tired and exhausted. We will be completely lacking in energy. This is because love is the only source of energy that we have.

Fortunately, love is also the most natural thing that we have. It is the most natural feeling because it is the deepest part of ourselves, our very essence. Therefore, when we receive energy through love, that energy will never diminish. This is the healthiest energy, and no matter how much we use it, we will never become exhausted. It only recharges us. This is something very special about love!

We automatically receive the power of love when we touch our deepest nature because it is our most natural and deepest part. WE can look within to find our love. It is not something that needs to come form the outside. We are love. We only need to connect to this and it is the most effortless energy. Love is everything that gives us energy.