The Power of Change

Change is the energy of the universe. No one needs to do anything for it because it is already there. Change is the nature of our existence—whether we like it or not. Ignorance of this true nature is the source of our suffering.

Change is not the problem. Change is always correct; it never makes a mistake. It is our ignorance and rejection of change that is the problem. No matter how strong we are, we can’t fight change! We will only suffer. The problem is that change happens without direction. The moment we use change is the moment of our liberation.  We just need to give a direction to change.

Change is what gives us the power to create a completely new life and to create ourselves as a completely new person. You may be born in hell, but one change can make you appear in heaven. But we need to decide how to use change. We need to decide in which direction we want to go.

There are many kinds of change, but the most valuable, powerful change is when you change yourself. When you change yourself, you change the whole world. On the other hand, you can try to change the entire world, but if you don’t change yourself, then nothing changes. When you change yourself, everything changes. That is magic.

Changing others means nothing. Change has to come from your side. And when it does, then you have the power to create anything you want.