Sobre mí
Since childhood, I have been fascinated in what lived in the inner world of people around me. The birth of my children revolutionised my life. They taught me what love is. This was the beginning of a development where every day challenges me to live in love, respect and without judgement. Buddhism, training with Tulku Lobsang contributed to this. Grounded in training in compassion with my shadow sides and other human being.
My basic activity is hypno- and trauma therapy in my Practice Munera. My intensity is to increase Life Force, Happiness and Perspective. Buddhist trainings have provided integration of wisdom into existing methods.
Once a month, I teach Lu Jong classes.
And besides therapy, I provide awareness sessions with crystal singing bowls and, together with my colleague Nashaira Ajoeb, I provide training in Sacred Femininity. And integration of learning to use the Sacredness of life, sensuality and sexuality in the service of growth towards a Higher Consciousness, where there is more peace, love and happiness. This training also incorporates Buddhist method and wisdom.