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Selección de Métodos de Tulku Lobsang

"La sabiduría del budismo es la vacuidad;
el método del budismo es la compasión"

Tulku Lobsang Rimpoché

Tulku Lobsang Rimpoché

Tulku Lobsang Rimpoché

Tulku Lobsang Rimpoché es un gran maestro budista. Nacido en Amdo, al noreste del Tíbet, Tulku-la fue reconocido como la octava reencarnación de Lama Nyentse a la edad de 13 años. Rimpoché basa sus enseñanzas en el antiguo conocimiento Tantrayana, que es la base tanto del budismo tibetano como de la medicina tibetana. Tulku-la viaja por Europa, América y Asia compartiendo su profundo conocimiento de esta preciosa sabiduría.

Las enseñanzas de Tulku Lobsang Rimpoché se caracterizan por su naturaleza bondadosa, divertida y afectuosa. Rimpoché tiende puentes y une mundos, traduciendo la antigua sabiduría de su venerable linaje de transmisión en consejos prácticos realmente valiosos para el día de hoy. El mayor deseo de Tulku-la es reducir el sufrimiento en el mundo compartiendo este profundo tesoro de sabiduría. El trasfondo tradicional de Rimpoché unido a su estilo carismático y directo hacen de él un maravilloso y sabio maestro.


„Nada es difícil hasta que crees que es difícil.
Nada es fácil hasta que crees que es fácil.“

Sheila - September 08, 2010

Dear Tulku Lobsang,

I am trying to lose fear. Some years ago I suffered my first pannic attack and I started my spiritual life. Although it has been a great step to feel a healthy state of mind, I think I must find my mission in this life. I studied Philosophy but I don't feel myself teaching this rational way of thinking. I would like to help people to heal themselves. How can I discover the way to do it out of the official ways?

Thank you with all my love.

Response from Tulku Lobsang:

Dear Sheila,

Fear is the obstacle to a flowing life. How does fear become an obstacle to the flow in your life? Because of fear you never do what you really need to do. Fear always wants to know everything before it happens. But life is a dark and deep cave where no sunlight ever arrives. We never know what is in the dark and deep cave, but the fear always wants to know what is inside. But there is only one way to know what is really inside. You need to go inside this cave to really see what is there. Until you go in this cave to see what is there, your life is not flowing. It is blocked and you remain at one point and there is no continuation and this also makes you lose your self-esteem. When you lose self-esteem, then you lose the secret of reaching your goal. Self-esteem is what enables you to reach your goals.

Conclusion: The goal of life is that you need to become a happy person. Why? Because when you are happy, then you don't have any reason to harm others or to harm yourself. This is what I call "freedom." Free of problems.

~Tulku Lobsang

Vienna 13.09.2010