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Eventos Destacados

Selección de Métodos de Tulku Lobsang

"La sabiduría del budismo es la vacuidad;
el método del budismo es la compasión"

Tulku Lobsang Rimpoché

Tulku Lobsang Rimpoché

Tulku Lobsang Rimpoché

Tulku Lobsang Rimpoché es un gran maestro budista. Nacido en Amdo, al noreste del Tíbet, Tulku-la fue reconocido como la octava reencarnación de Lama Nyentse a la edad de 13 años. Rimpoché basa sus enseñanzas en el antiguo conocimiento Tantrayana, que es la base tanto del budismo tibetano como de la medicina tibetana. Tulku-la viaja por Europa, América y Asia compartiendo su profundo conocimiento de esta preciosa sabiduría.

Las enseñanzas de Tulku Lobsang Rimpoché se caracterizan por su naturaleza bondadosa, divertida y afectuosa. Rimpoché tiende puentes y une mundos, traduciendo la antigua sabiduría de su venerable linaje de transmisión en consejos prácticos realmente valiosos para el día de hoy. El mayor deseo de Tulku-la es reducir el sufrimiento en el mundo compartiendo este profundo tesoro de sabiduría. El trasfondo tradicional de Rimpoché unido a su estilo carismático y directo hacen de él un maravilloso y sabio maestro.


„Nada es difícil hasta que crees que es difícil.
Nada es fácil hasta que crees que es fácil.“

The First Official Tibetan Teacher Training Inspires Enthusiasm!

Dharamsala, India.  The first-ever Tibetan Teacher training with Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche was completed on 27th June 2015 in Dharamsala, India.
The participants were 22 teachers from Tibetan schools located throughout India. Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche trained the teachers in the Lu Jong Five Elements practice and 20 Tsa Lung exercises. The purpose of the training was to enable these teachers to make these exercises part of the regular education programs at their schools. The teacher training was organized by the Central Tibetan Administration Department of Health and sponsored by Nangten Menlang International.

The participants were highly motivated. They practiced tirelessly until the very last minute hoping to learn as much as possible from Rinpoche.
They were overjoyed and deeply grateful to receive these teachings from Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche.

Living in India with a very popular yoga tradition, some of the teachers had been searching more than 10 years for a qualified teacher of Tibetan yoga practices. Highly impressed with Rinpoche, they have now discovered the richness of their own Tibetan yoga tradition.
Rinpoche advised them to practice every day and to teach the exercises in their schools.

After attending the International Gang Gyok Run, Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche gave each participant their official Teacher certificate. The ceremony took place in the Tsuglagkhang—the temple of His Holiness the Dalai Lama— in the presence of several hundred runners and the Central Tibetan Administration Department of Health.

The newly-certified Teachers are inspired and eager to begin teaching these exercises to their own students at Tibetan schools all across India.
They also requested that Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche return to India as soon as possible to teach them more of these precious movement practices.

We wish them great success with their programs!
May all their students receive the benefits of these precious practices, and may all sentient beings have good health and happiness.