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Shiné - Lehrer:in
Über mich
Thank you for visiting my page! I am located in The Netherlands and practice Dzogchen daily.
With my work as a trauma therapist and stutter therapist (and various other things like voice-language-speech therapy, a paramedic for 30 years) I am seeing many people of all ages. The teachings of His Holiness Kyapgon and Tulklu Lobsang have been profound. I feel connected on a deeper level. My listening has become better because of being more present. Every day shows these wonderful moments of miracles in my personal life and work.

Meine Kurse
TRE : tension/trauma release exercises (founder D. Bercelli) : We know as humans to be able to hold tension in the body. That it' s easy to release tension is not well known. This method helps to awake the mechanism from within to release tension from the muscles and fascia. Within a few minutes it may help you to empty in the mind, release stuck tension in the muscles and release emotions. Chronic tension can be released. After TRE meditation becomes easier and often feels like bliss. It's also a method to learn to regulate oneself or at least to become aware of the signs how the nervous system activates, over activates or calms down. I teach this method private and in groups. Live and online.

Biodynamic Breath And Trauma Release System (founder Given Tonkov): Through breathing, release can take place in body mind and emotions. A holding pattern may be discovered and when the nervous system opens up there can be a free flow of energy which helps as a basis for meditation.

A person can come with different questions for example pain in the body, mental, emotional challenges. With the top down program NARM : Neuro effective relational model (L. Heller) together we look for healing and growth. I work closely with psychotherapist. Live and online.

VLOW: Veno Lymfatic Optimalisation of the Tissue (founder Hanneke Sprenger) When I had my session in 2015 because of my painful breasts due to cysts I was surprised how well this worked. After one session my breasts felt soft and the cysts became smaller and disappeared. Still many women are not well connected to their breasts. They have this fear of getting breast cancer and because of that don't touch their breasts.

This method helps a woman to (re) connect to her breasts, to clean up the tissue and to help release stuck energy in this area. Wearing tight bra's , carrying bags over the shoulder, wrong posture, holding emotions etcetera, ensures the breast to collect waste products. With one session the immune system of the body helps to clean this area. During the session already the body is going from ortho-sympathetic towards parasympathetic nervous system. Healing already begins during the session. Total feeling of well being is mostly felt afterwards. A woman doesn't need to go more than 2 or 3 times a year for a breast session. Most of the times there is a real change in the tissue less pain, feeling more open, free and connected to the heart and lungs. It's women for women work and it's not massage. The course consists of fascia stretches on the whole upper body, lymphatic drainage and scar tissue treatment. Goal is more breast awareness, happy women and breast cancer prevention. It's not a cure for breast cancer. This method is individual therapy and the international course is set up for bodyworkers. Please contact me for more information.

Tummo inner fire breathing practice

Shine : Shine is a beautiful program that gives the opportunity to learn to calm the mind and discover that our mind has an innate awareness and calmness. When you discover this you are ready to receive high realisations. I believe this will help humans becoming more aware of their natural powers, which are most of the time supressed by our own thoughts and feelings. Live and online.
In-Persona & Online
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Breath & Stuttercentre Hilversum
Struikheidelaan 61