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Consultations generally begin with a pulse and urine diagnosis, in which Amchi Lobsang Rabjee is able to determine much about the state of the physical and energetic bodies. He gives advise on treating imbalances through nutrition or behavioral modification, or movement, breath and meditation techniques.
The Traditional Tibetan Medicine (TTM) assumes that the three humors wind, bile and phlegm flow in the channels. They provide the body with blood, vitamins, hormones, minerals etc. The body itself is made by the elements fire, earth, water, wind and space. If one of these elements is not in balance, this affects the body physically as well as on a mental level. At the treatment of diseases, a combination of herbal pills, dietary changes and changes in our behavior is applied. Also acupressure, moxabustion and healing meditations are used in Traditional Tibetan Medicine. Urine and Pulsidagnose are important diagnostic tools.
Amchi Lobsang Rabjee studied Traditional Tibetan Medicine at the Institute for Tibetan Medicine in Sichuan. There, he achieved second place among the best students in medical theory. Since 2010 he has continued his studies at Qinghai Tibetan Medial Center at Jigmey Tibetan Medical School. Amchi Lobsang Rabjee is invited by Nangten Menlang Spain. Therefore, interested people have the unique opportunity to visit a personal consultation with a doctor who is located in Tibet. Tulku Lobsang recommends especially for people with health problems to attend a consultation with his brother Amchi Lobsang Rabjee.