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Now is the time!
Never has it been more important to change the world. That’s not just some meaningless statement. It is a fact. And it is possible. Everything and everyone is connected. One change changes everything. If you change yourself, you change the world.
Tantrayana is one of the three main paths, or vehicles (yana), of Buddhism. This path is also called Vajrayana, the Diamond Vehicle. The reason being that through its practices we transform our body, speech and mind to be like a diamond — strong, clear and indestructible. Tantrayana includes very special techniques that empower us to experience our Buddha nature in a very direct way. The closer we get to our Buddha nature, the more power we have to positively influence the world around us, thereby being a major cause for beneficial change in this world.
So that as many people as possible can benefit from the powerful Tantrayana methods for their spiritual development, Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche teaches the Tummo practice of Inner Fire.
Tummo is our wisdom fire. It is something we naturally have within our bodies. Through a combination of movements, breathing techniques and visualizations we generate the Tummo flame and spread it throughout the body. On a physical level the Tummo fire increases our self-healing powers. On an energetic level, it surges energy throughout our body. On the level of mind, Tummo is the source of love, joy, happiness and bliss.
Through the practice, the flame grows, starting from below the navel and rising higher and higher. This inner warmth softly penetrates each of the main chakras, spreading to all the branches and every pore of our body. Our chakras are secret doors through which we can access our bliss body (Sambhogakaya) and our clear light mind (Dharmakaya). Tummo is the key to open these secret doors. Entering through those doors means that we find our true home inside ourselves: we reach our innate Buddha nature – the perfect union of ultimate love and compassion.
Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche has an exceptional connection to Tummo, it is his true speciality. Rinpoche has received Tummo teachings and transmissions from different lineages and his deep understanding of this powerful practice makes him an incredibly skillful, wise and compassionate teacher. Tulku-la shares this secret practice openly, because he believes it can bring great benefit in these challenging times.
In this Retreat, Rinpoche will introduce us to this powerful and transformative practice. We will practice Tummo together so that we can experience its profound impact ourselves.