Empowerment is a ritual in Vajrayana Buddhism which awakens the special capacity for primordial wisdom to arise in the mind of the student. It is called "Empowerment" because when we receive it, we are empowered to engage in the particular spiritual practices we receive Empowerment for. This way, we can receive blessings and accomplishments through those practices. The function of Empowerment is to ripen our Buddha Nature. It can only be granted by qualified Vajra Masters.
Vajravarahi is an Anuttarayoga Tantra (Unsurpassable Yoga Tantra) deity. Practices associated with Vajravarahi are the Six Yogas of Naropa. Many of the practices that Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche teaches, such as Lu Jong, Tsa Lung, Tummo-Inner Fire, Tummo-Bliss and Tummo-Non-conceptional State of Mind, are connected to the Six Yogas of Naropa. Therefore, this Online Live Empowerment is a most precious opportunity for any of Tulku-la’s students to receive blessings and accomplishments through these particular practices.
Vajravarahi (in Tibetan, Dorje Phagmo) is a wrathful deity form of Vajrayogini (the dakini who is the essence of all Buddhas) associated particularly with the Cakrasamvara Tantra where she is in union with the Heruka Cakrasamvara. Vajravarahi represents the wisdom aspect of all Buddhas.
This extraordinary Empowerment will be given by His Holiness Kyapgon Ngawang Tenzin Rinpoche from Bhutan, who is the reincarnation of the great Yogi Rigzin Jinpa Gyaltsen — the holder of the secret doctrines. His Holiness will lead us into the mandala of the deity Vajravarahi and therefore into the totality of the experience of Vajravarahi. During the Empowerment it is important that we completely let go of our preconceptions and our limited concept of who we are. Instead, we need to identify with the wisdom-mind of the deity, which is our own perfect potential, our own Buddha Nature.
In light of the ongoing worldwide crisis, out of immeasurable compassion His Holiness has agreed to give this Empowerment online. This is an extremely rare and invaluable opportunity to receive an Unsurpassable Yoga Tantra Empowerment from a renowned Vajra Master. Receiving Vajravarahi Empowerment is said to bring tremendous blessings to this lifetime and thereafter.
About His Holiness Kyapgon Ngawang Tenzin Rinpoche
His Holiness is the reincarnation of the great Yogi Rigzin Jinpa Gyaltsen — the holder of the secret doctrines. Rinpoche had been the master of Philosophy and Logic of the Punakha Monastic Body since he was forty-five years old. For 10 years, His Holiness also held the highly esteemed position of Dorji Lopon, or “Vajra Master,” heading the Vajracarya division of the Central Monastic Body. Later Rinpoche chose to live a life of simple renunciation in a small hut to meditate and practice in seclusion.
As a result of unwavering practice, His Holiness’ level of understanding and experience have thrived and his insights and realizations have expanded immeasurably. Rinpoche has brought great benefit to the Bhutanese community and has given many masters and teachers direct instructions in empowerment, transmission and teaching of Mahamudra, the Six Doctrines of Naropa and Dzogchen.