Veranstaltungsbeginn: |
Freitag, 03. Mai 2024 18:00 |
Veranstaltungsende: |
Sonntag, 05. Mai 2024 16:00 |
Lehrer: |
Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche |
Ort: |
Landgoed de Horst
De Horst 1
3971 KR Driebergen |
Kontakt: |
Jolanda Burbank: |
Veranstalter: |
Nangten Menlang Netherlands |
Weitere Details: |
PRICE: Teaching Fee: € 265
Accomodation: - Single room with ensuite bathroom: € 330 per person (Including, full board and tea/coffee) ex tourist tax - Double Room Deluxe (can only be booked by two people together): € 340 per person (Including full board and tea/coffee) ex tourist tax
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: - The Retreat can only be booked with accommodation. - The costs for accommodation, full board and tea/coffee are due upon arrival at the hotel on 3 May 2024 - By January end, you will receive a confirmation letter and a payment request for the teaching fee. - Booking of this Retreat is not possible through this website but via email. For booking, please send your name, address, telephone number and a request for a single or double room to
Tulku Lobsang teaches in English. No translation will be provided.
Unterbringung: |
Landgoed de Horst De Horst 1 3971 KR Driebergen |
Preis: |
Seminarspezifische Stornobedingungen: |
Hier klicken |
Nangten Menlang Netherlands is entitled to cancel the Retreat if this is necessary due to changing circumstances. If Nangten Menlang Netherlands is forced to cancel this Retreat, they will inform you as soon as possible and you will receive a full refund of the teaching fee within 21 days.
Please note you are not entitled to compensation for travel costs or any other damages. We advise you to take a travel and cancellation insurance.
If you cancel your booking before 15 February 2024, you will be refunded the full amount of the teaching fee.
If you cancel your booking after 15 February 2024, you will not receive a refund (also not in case of Covid-19 or due to illness).
In the event that you are unable to participate in the Retreat, it is possible that you will look for a replacement yourself. Nangten Menlang Netherlands requests that you inform them about this as soon as possible |
Falls Sie benachrichtigt werden möchten wenn die Anmeldung für diese Veranstaltung geöffnet ist, klicken Sie bitte auf den unten stehenden Button.
Please note: This event is fully booked.
Dzogchen is the true nature of our mind. It means “Great Perfection”. It is the state of pure awareness. It is the wisdom that exists beyond all limitations and through which we can come to know everything. Our current state of mind is conditioned and bound by limitations. We perceive life conceptually and indirectly. We never see things as they truly are and suffer as a result.
Dzogchen implies direct perception and is free of all thoughts and concepts. It is not about reaching a higher or deeper state; ultimately there is nothing to reach for and nothing to realize. All is naturally well, exactly as it is.
This practice is without techniques, without concepts and without meditation. When we practice Dzogchen, we simply leave everything and look. When we leave everything alone, without judgment or reaction, and simply perceive what is there, we begin to recognize the nature of mind. In this way, we use our mind to observe our mind. The mind is like water. When it is still, it naturally becomes clear. This is how we come to deeply know ourselves. When we know the mind, we know all.
It holds the promise of becoming again a beautiful and loving retreat with teachings and meditations.
Dzogchen is onze ware natuur. Het betekent “Grootste Perfectie”. Het is de staat van zuiver bewustzijn. Het is de wijsheid die voorbijgaat aan alle beperkingen en ons in een staat van alwetendheid brengt. Ons huidig bewustzijn is geconditioneerd en begrensd. Daardoor zien we de dingen nooit zoals ze zijn en ervaren we problemen.
Bij Dzogchen gaat het om de directe waarneming, een waarneming die geheel vrij is van gedachten en concepten. Het gaat niet om het bereiken van een verheven of diepe staat. Uiteindelijk is er niets te bereiken of te realiseren. Alles is van nature goed, precies zoals het is.
De beoefening van Dzogchen is vrij van alle technieken, methoden, concepten en meditaties. We laten alles wat opkomt zoals het is en kijken er alleen maar naar zonder iets af te wijzen of te willen hebben. Op deze manier gebruiken we onze geest om naar onze geest te kijken. De geest is als water, als het niet beweegt wordt het vanzelf helder. Zo leren we onze ware natuur kennen. Als we onze ware natuur kennen zijn we vrij.
De Dzogchen retraite in 2023 was een succes en Rinpoche heeft daarom toegezegd in 2024 verder te gaan met dit onderwerp.