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The practice of Tummo is the first one and therefore the foundation of the “Six Yogas of Naropa” - a comprehensive collection of advanced practices of Tibetan Tantrayana Buddhism intended to lead to Buddhahood in an accelerated manner.
Tummo is our wisdom fire. It is something we naturally have within our bodies. Through a combination of movements, breathing techniques and visualizations we generate the Tummo flame and spread it throughout the body. On a physical level the Tummo fire increases our self-healing powers. On an energetic level, it surges energy throughout our body. On the level of mind, Tummo is the source of love, joy, happiness and bliss.
Through the practice, the flame grows, starting from below the navel and rising higher and higher. This inner warmth softly penetrates each of the main chakras, spreading to all the branches and every pore of our body. Our chakras are secret doors through which we can access our bliss body (Sambhogakaya) and our clear light mind (Dharmakaya). Tummo is the key to open these secret doors. Entering through those doors means that we find our true home inside ourselves: we reach our innate Buddha nature - the perfect union of ultimate love and compassion.
Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche has an exceptional connection to Tummo, it is his true speciality. Rinpoche has received Tummo teachings and transmissions from different lineages and his deep understanding of this powerful practice makes him an incredibly skillful, wise and compassionate teacher. Tulku-la shares this secret practice openly, because he believes it can bring great benefit in these challenging times.
Praksa Tummo je prva i stoga temelj "Šest joga Narope" - sveobuhvatne zbirke naprednih praksi tibetanskog Tantrayana budizma kojima je namjena dovesti praktikanta do najvišeg stanja svijesti na ubrzani način.
Tummo je vatra naše mudrosti. Prirodno je imamo u našim tijelima. Kombinacijom pokreta, tehnika disanja i vizualizacija stvaramo Tummo plamen i širimo ga po cijelom tijelu. Na fizičkoj razini, Tummo vatra povećava našu moć samoiscjeljenja. Na energetskoj razini, potiče strujanje energije kroz tijelo. Na razini uma, Tummo je izvor ljubavi, radosti, sreće i blaženstva.
Kroz praksu, plamen raste, kreće se od područja ispod pupka i podiže sve više i više. Ta unutarnja toplina nježno prodire u svake glavne čakre, svaki energetski kanal i sve pore našeg tijela. Čakre su tajna vrata kroz koja se možemo povezati s našim tijelom blaženstva (Sambhogakaya) i našim umom čistog svjetla (Dharmakaya). Tummo je ključ za otvaranje ovih tajnih vrata. Ulaskom kroz ta vrata pronalazimo naš pravi dom u sebi: dosežemo svoju urođenu Buddha prirodu - savršeno jedinstvo ultimativne ljubavi i suosjećanja.
Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche ima izuzetnu povezanost s Tummom i njegova je prava specijalnost. Rinpoche je primio Tummo učenja i prijenose od različitih loza i njegovo duboko razumijevanje ove moćne tehnike čini ga nevjerojatno vještim, mudrim i suosjećajnim učiteljem. Tulku-la otvoreno dijeli ovu tajnu praksu, jer vjeruje da može donijeti velike dobrobiti u ovim izazovnim vremenima.