The Power of Decision
In Buddhism, we have something called zero energy, which is the energy of change, the energy of impermanence. Zero energy is full of potential. Anything can happen; change can occur in any way. When it happens without direction, the result is suffering. Never be against change. You will always lose, because change is the most powerful energy in empty space.
So, change is always there, but we need to make change work how we want it to. This means that we need to decide. With one decision, we can change everything. We don’t need to create change, but we need to make a decision. The moment we decide is the moment that we give direction to the zero energy, to change. Then, change will give us all that we ask. But first we must decide what we want.
Therefore, a decision is the only way to use change how we want. When change brings people suffering it is because of their lack of decision. Whenever we have the power to decide, change will never cause a problem. Change will always help. Change will give us all that we desire and wish for, so we must decide.