Das Büro ist vom 21. Dezember bis 6. Jänner geschlossen. Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr!


Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

Ausgewählte Methoden, die Tulku Lobsang unterrichtet

„Die Leerheit ist die Weisheit
und das Mitgefühl
ist die Methode des Buddhismus.“

Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche

Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche

Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche

Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche ist ein hoher buddhistischer Meister und Lehrer. In Amdo, im Nordosten Tibets geboren, wurde er im Alter von 13 Jahren als die achte Reinkarnation des Nyentse Lama wiedererkannt. Die Basis seiner Lehren ist das uralte Wissen des Tantrayana, welches den Grundstein des tibetischen Buddhismus und der tibetischen Medizin bildet. Tulku-la reist durch Europa, Amerika und Asien, um sein tiefgründiges Wissen weiterzugeben.

Tulku Lobsang Rinpoches Unterweisungen sind gekennzeichnet durch seine herzliche und liebenswürdige Art. Humorvoll und alltagsnah schafft Rinpoche es, Brücken zu schlagen, um das uralte Wissen seiner ehrwürdigen Übertragungslinie in die Gegenwart zu übertragen. Es ist ihm ein großes Anliegen, durch die Vermittlung des tibetischen Wissens dazu beizutragen, dass sich das Leiden in der Welt verringert.


„Nichts ist schwierig solange du nicht denkst, es sei schwierig.
Nichts ist einfach solange du nicht denkst, es sei einfach.“

Lu Jong 1 Online Live Masterclass

Rigpa Online Live Retreat 
Online-Live-Seminar: Sutra für die Stunde des Todes

Kostenfreie Online-Live-Unterweisung, 23. Juli, 19:00

April-Retreat in Spanien wegen Coronavirus abgesagt.

Rigpa Retreat in Österreich wegen Coronavirus verschoben.

Bevorstehende Deutschland-Veranstaltungen wegen Coronavirus abgesagt.


Tummo & Bliss Retreat in Belgien wegen Coronavirus verschoben.

  Bliss Meditation Retreat in den Niederlanden wegen Coronavirus verschoben.

Intensivseminar in der Slowakei wegen Coronavirus verschoben.

“Chulen Retreat” - Onlineanmeldung geöffnet!

[+] Anmeldung und weitere Informationen

Wir freuen uns, dass diesen Monat die Tog Chöd Ausbilderinnen und Ausbilder eine wunderbare Woche in Maria Alm beim Tog Chöd Educator Training verbracht haben! Dies war eine großartige Gelegenheit für alle, um gemeinsam mit Tulku Lobsang Rinoche zu praktizieren und ihre Gemeinschaft als Ausbilder-Sangha zu stärken. Wir gratulieren unseren neuen Tog Chöd Ausbilderinnen und Ausbildern und heißen sie herzlich willkommen!

Wir freuen uns sehr ankündigen zu können, dass Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche während der Bhutan Pilgerreise im Mai 2020 Unterweisungen zu Lu Jong und Meditation geben wird.

Zudem wird es auf der Pilgerreise die ganz besonders wertvolle und seltene Gelegenheit geben, eine Medizinbuddha-Einweihung sowie Mahamudra-Belehrungen von Seiner Heiligkeit Kyapgon Ngawang Tenzin Rinpoche zu erhalten.

Mehr Informationen folgen in Kürze!

2020 wird es zwei Masterclass Termine geben.

Die erste Masterclass - für Lu Jong 1, Lu Jong 2 und Tog Chöd - findet im Februar statt.
[+] Weitere Informationen

Die zweite Masterclass - ausschließlich für Lu Jong 1 - findet im Oktober statt.
[+] Weitere Informationen

Power of Forgiveness Retreat vom 17. bis 19. Mai in Holland.

[+] Anmeldung und weitere Informationen

Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche ist beim "flow! Summit" - dem größten Onlinekongress im deutschsprachigen Raum - mit einem Videobeitrag vertreten.

Die Teilnahme an diesem Kongress ist komplett kostenfrei.

Einfach hier klicken, um dich kostenlos anzumelden.

Weitere Einzelzimmer verfügbar für Lu Jong Retreat im Schloss Buchenau, Deutschland

[+] Anmeldung und weitere Informationen

Wir freuen uns sehr über den gesammelten Betrag von €2.918 für das Klosterunterstützungsprojekt von Nying Drod, welches im Herbst 2018 gestartet wurde. Hiermit möchten wir uns bei allen großzügigen Spendern herzlich bedanken!

Unser Ziel für das neue Jahr ist es, €7.800 zu sammeln, um die Mönche des Garden Shartse Sockpa Khangtsen Klosters für ein ganzes Jahr unterstützen zu können. Zurzeit leben dort 130 Mönche. Das Nying Drod – Herzenswärme Projekt sammelt diese Spenden, damit die folgenden Ausgaben für die Mönche gedeckt werden können: Kosten für die medizinische Versorgung; Kosten für die Bekleidung; Reisekosten, sodass die Mönche an speziellen Belehrungen oder Einweihungen teilnehmen können; ein kleiner Betrag für den persönlichen Bedarf der Mönche.

[+] Weitere Informationen

Lu Jong Retreat im Schloss Buchenau, Deutschland

[+] Anmeldung und weitere Informationen

Besonderes Weihnachtsgeschenk für Vajrashop-Bestellungen


Nying Drod Benefizwoche beginnt heute!

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Internationales Tog Chöd 2 & 3 Retreat im April 2019

[+] Anmeldung und weitere Informationen

Neuer Lu Jong Onlinekurs mit Tulku Lobsang auf Deutsch

[+] Anmeldung und weitere Informationen

Anmeldung für zweite LJ1 Masterclass jetzt offen

[+] Anmeldung und weitere Informationen

Anmeldung für zweite LJ1 Masterclass öffnet am 4.12.

Puja der Mönche des Gaden Jangtse Klosters bei NMI

Tibetische Medizin mit Amchi Lobsang Rabjee in Wien

[+] Anmeldung und weitere Informationen

With Amchi Lobsang Rabjee.
From 9 to 11 November in Casa del Tibet in Barcelona.
More information coming soon.

Tibetan medicine is a unique wellness system and is one of the world’s oldest traditions still alive. The central thought in the system of traditional Tibetan medicine is the recovery and preservation of the balance of the body’s three humors through gentle methods. Tibetan medicine uses special techniques, which can be attuned to each individual patient. We are very happy to announce this intensive course with Amchi Lobsang Rabjee, the brother of Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche. He is a great doctor of Tibetan medicine and comes directly from Tibet.

[+] Registration and further information

24 June 2018.
World Blessing Ceremony for World Peace.

20 June 2018.
Rinpoche teaches at the World Economic Forum Retreat.

On June 23, 2018 Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche will host the Annual International Gang Gyok Day in Portugal. The purpose of the Day is to promote health and happiness throughout the world.

We are very happy to inform you that Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche will give a free live online teaching on Friday, 1st December 2017 from 20:30 to 22:00 (Gran Canaria time).

To experience Inner Love is the most important experience in our life. Through this experience our life will be meaningful and precious. Only through the practice of Inner Love we are able to practice real compassion. Inner Love transforms us. It opens us on the subtlest level, melts our karmic blockages and changes us completely. Our body is the diamond key. Through it, we are able to achieve diamond wisdom.

Tulku Lobsang has a very special connection with this practice, the practice of awakening our Inner Love, our Inner Fire. It is Rinpoche’s main practice and he has received all kinds of transmission lineages. He shares this secret practice openly because he believes it can bring great benefit in today’s difficult time. This is a precious method of the Tantrayana tradition and if it is not taught and practiced, then it will no longer be a living teaching. That’s the reason why in this free lecture Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche will introduce us to this technique and will explain the Power of Inner Love.

[+] Go to Live Stream page

...für die erfolgreiche Tulku Lobsang Methoden Benefizwoche!

Im Namen von Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche bedanken wir uns von ganzem Herzen bei allen, die an der Tulku Lobsang Methoden Benefizwoche teilgenommen haben!

Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche und seine zertifizierten AusbilderInnen und LehrerInnen aus der ganzen Welt stellten ihre Zeit und ihr Engagement für dieses besondere Nying Drod – Herzenswärme Projekt zur Verfügung! Dafür möchten wir euch allen von ganzem Herzen danken! Eure Spenden werden dazu beitragen, dringend benötigte Unterkünfte für hunderte von Möchen zu errichten, die im Sockpa Khangtsen, Gaden Shartse Kloster in Südindien leben.

Wir sind dankbar für die Bemühungen unseres Lehrers Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche, der diese Praktiken an uns weiter gegeben hat, sodass wir einen Beitrag dazu leisten können, die Gesundheit und das Glück der Welt zu verbessern.

We are very happy to inform you that Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche will give his first free live online teaching this coming Friday, 16 June 2017 from 20:00 to 21:00 CET.

After Rinpoche’s appearance in the National Geographic show “The story of God with Morgan Freeman” where he explained the ancient Tantrayana Buddhism practice of Tummo and its power to connect us to “the divine within”, Tulku-la will now give a free live lecture about the power of Tummo.

Tulku Lobsang has a very special connection to Tummo, the practice of awakening our Inner Fire. It is Rinpoche’s specialty and he shares this secret practice openly because he believes it can bring great benefit in these degenerate times. Tummo is a precious method of the Tantrayana tradition and if it is not taught and practiced, then it will no longer be a living teaching. That’s the reason why in this free lecture Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche will introduce us to this technique and will explain the benefits of practicing Tummo, the Inner Fire practice.

[+] Go to Live Stream page

On June 18, 2017 Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche will host the Annual International Gang Gyok Day in Barcelona, Spain. The purpose of the Day is to promote health and happiness throughout the world.

Wir freuen uns sehr anzukündigen, dass Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche in der kommenden Folge der National Geographic Reihe "The Story of God with Morgan Freeman” erscheinen wird.

In der Folge “Proof of God” erklärt Tulku Lobsang die uralte aus dem Tantrayana Buddhismus stammende Tummo Praxis, welche die Kraft besitzt, uns mit dem "Göttlichen in uns” zu verbinden.

Die Sendung wird am Montag, 30. Januar 2017, 21:00 New York Zeit, auf dem National Geographic Kanal ausgestrahlt.

Für weitere Informationen und um sich einen kurzen Clip anzuschauen, bitte hier klicken:


On October 21, 2016, Tulku Lobsang was interviewed on the California Today News Channel broadcasted to the Vietnamese community in California. He discussed the path of Tantric Buddhism, Astrology and his upcoming workshop on Dream Yoga.

[+] Link

Join us for a very special EVENING BLESSING FOR WORLD PEACE!

His Holiness Kyapgon Ngawang Tenzin Rinpoche and Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche wish to offer the community a free Blessing for World Peace. We will gather together to focus our minds and our hearts on this single vision.
Blessings will be offered, along with tea and snacks as in a traditional Tsog ceremony.

September 18, 2016 · 20h - 21h · Auditori Axa, Barcelona
FREE ADMISSION - Doors open at 19h

[+] Further details

Am 18. Juni 2016 wird Tulku Lobsang den 2. Internationalen Gang Gyok Tag persönlich in Hamburg eröffnen.

He was received by Mayor Carmen Hernandez and Councilwoman Culture Marta Hernandez at the Town Hall.
They invited him to sign the city's Book of Honor.

Rinpoche was happy to meet the Mayor and Coucilwoman and to sign the Book of Honor.

At the University of Barcelona, Tulku Lobsang intrigued the audience with a public lecture on “The Question as an Answer for a Better World”.

For 90 minutes the audience listened and contemplated the wisdom of asking the right question. He explained in a very simple and clear way the meaning of life, the goal of life, and what is our nature.

A diverse group of more than 200 people enjoyed the lecture and, at the end, thanked Tulku Lobsang with a big, heartwarming applause.

This month the new Dutch book ‘Niets Groter dan Geluk’ (Nothing Higher than Happiness) of Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche was released and presented at the 13. November in Voorst. This lovely small book offers the reader practical tips and insights on how to become, be and remain happy & healthy in the world.

The book is a co-production of Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche and The Banyan Centre, The Netherlands, where it was presented during a lecture of Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche.

You may order the book at the following links:


PRICE: 9.95 €
PUBLISHER: Banyan Centre


PRICE: 7.25 €
PUBLISHER: Banyan Centre

Tulku Lobsang has been invited to give a public lecture at the University of Barcelona about “The Question as an Answer for a Better World”.

As Rinpoche teaches, happiness can be achieved, and a better world is possible if we try to go beyond our limitations. But to do this, we need to ask one question... the right question:  "what is nature?”.

This is the only question that can liberate us from our limitations.

+ More information on Tourplan

Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche gave an intensive teaching about the Tsa Lung exercises from the Kalachakra tradition.

Tsa Lung combines a special breath technique with physical movements and visualizations. This dynamic and powerful combination makes it possible to open physical and mental blockages in order to let the energies flow.

The schedule started early morning with practice at 05:00 and the last practice ended at 21:00. The combination between theoretical teachings and practice sessions allowed the participants to discover the benefit of this ancient holy teachings.
It is the goal of the practice to control even the subtlest energies and to realize the true nature of all phenomena – emptiness. Rinpoche's profound knowledge and understanding of the outer, inner and secret channels, chakras and energies, made the retreat  remarkable. His unique ability to connect the Buddhist Tantrayana teachings with traditional Tibetan medicine knowledge helped participants to gain a small insight into the diamond teachings.

What an honor to receive this holy teaching from a qualified master and to attend the teachings in the presence of so many sangha friends.

Dharamsala, India.  The first-ever Tibetan Teacher training with Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche was completed on 27th June 2015 in Dharamsala, India.
The participants were 22 teachers from Tibetan schools located throughout India. Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche trained the teachers in the Lu Jong Five Elements practice and 20 Tsa Lung exercises. The purpose of the training was to enable these teachers to make these exercises part of the regular education programs at their schools. The teacher training was organized by the Central Tibetan Administration Department of Health and sponsored by Nangten Menlang International.

The participants were highly motivated. They practiced tirelessly until the very last minute hoping to learn as much as possible from Rinpoche.
They were overjoyed and deeply grateful to receive these teachings from Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche.

Living in India with a very popular yoga tradition, some of the teachers had been searching more than 10 years for a qualified teacher of Tibetan yoga practices. Highly impressed with Rinpoche, they have now discovered the richness of their own Tibetan yoga tradition.
Rinpoche advised them to practice every day and to teach the exercises in their schools.

After attending the International Gang Gyok Run, Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche gave each participant their official Teacher certificate. The ceremony took place in the Tsuglagkhang—the temple of His Holiness the Dalai Lama— in the presence of several hundred runners and the Central Tibetan Administration Department of Health.

The newly-certified Teachers are inspired and eager to begin teaching these exercises to their own students at Tibetan schools all across India.
They also requested that Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche return to India as soon as possible to teach them more of these precious movement practices.

We wish them great success with their programs!
May all their students receive the benefits of these precious practices, and may all sentient beings have good health and happiness.

Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche featured on Seattle Yoga News in the U.S.


Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche is currently in Dharamsala, India, giving a historic Lu Jong & Tsa Lung teacher Training. Nangten Menlang International, in association with the Central Tibetan Administration Department of Health organized this training. The participants are physical instructors and yoga teachers from Tibetan schools all across India.

The event started with an opening ceremony with special guests Dr. Tsering Wangchu, Kalon of Health Department CTA and the CTA Health Secretary Tsegyal Dranyi. Several media representatives and journalists also attended. Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche talked about his wish to preserve the richness of the Tibetan culture and to make the powerful Tibetan healing exercises accessible to the public. The CTA Department of Health also expressed the importance to take care of one’s own health. The goal of this historic teacher training is to integrate Tibetan yoga exercises into the Tibetan schools,  to teach children how to find harmony in their bodies, minds and spirits, and to show them how to have a happy and healthy well-being.

About 25 Tibetan teachers traveled from different regions of India for this rare opportunity to learn more about Lu Jong—Tibetan Healing Yoga and Tsa Lung Healing Breath exercises from the Tantrayana tradition. In addition to learning the exercises, the training includes learning the historic background and the physical and mental benefits of the practices.

All participants were immediately captivated by these complex series of exercises. They are so motivated to learn that even during their break times, they are asking Rinpoche questions and practicing the movements with colleagues. The participants are fascinated by Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche's enormous knowledge about the various aspects of the Tantrayana practice. He also explains the connection to Tibetan medicine. Participants are highly impressed by Rinpoche's presence, teachings and practice demonstrations.

It is a precious gift to receive these teachings from a qualified master and to preserve the transmission lineage. May this training be the seed to fulfill Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche's wish. May it help restore the treasure of the Tantrayana healing techniques to all Tibetan people and may it benefit their health and happiness. May these powerful techniques spread throughout the world for the benefit of all sentient beings.

We want to thank everyone for organizing and participating in International Gang Gyok Day events this past weekend!

The Day was a huge success with thousands of people around the world running and walking together to promote Health and Happiness.

Thank you for helping to spread this important message to the world!

We hope you all had a wonderful time!

…And if you want to learn the complete Gang Gyok Tibetan Running Technique – check out Tulku Lobsang's Gang Gyok DVD.

On June 29, 2015, Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche received a private audience with His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa.
The meeting occurred at Kirti Monastery in Dharamsala, India.

Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche talked with His Holiness the Karmapa about the Tibetan Lu Jong/Tsa Lung Teacher Training he had just completed and about the International Gang Gyok Day run. He shared information about the teachings he offers in the West, and explained his vision for making a better world by teaching practices that improve people's health and happiness.
Rinpoche also offered His Holiness a copy of his Tibetan Tsa Lung book ("Ancestor Yogi and Yogini – Great Path of Liberation").

Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche was greatly honored to have this opportunity to meet with His Holiness.
May His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa have a long life and may all of his wishes be fulfilled.

Am Samstag, 27. Juni 2015, wird Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche in Indien mit 500 Teilnehmern durch die Straßen Dharamsalas laufen und sein GANG GYOK – tibetische Lauftechnik präsentieren. Menschen aus aller Welt werden sich dieser glückverheißenden Veranstaltung anschließen, indem sie ihre eigenen „Gang Gyok für die Welt-Events“ organisieren.

OM Times Magazine - http://omtimes.com

Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche is interviewed by Jill Virginia Mangino for OM Times Magazine. Rinpoche discusses how compassion and love help break the cycle of suffering. He also explains how the many movement practices he teaches help to bring clarity to the body and mind.


Vienna Online - www.vienna.at

Tulku Lobsang inspires the sold-out crowd in Vienna, Austria to use the Tibetan teachings "to slow down" from the "hustle and bustle" of today's life.   March 21, 2015.


Voice of America online - www.voatibetanenglish.com

At the invitation of the CTA Department of Health, Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche gives free Lu Jong teachings to the Tibetan public in India. Over 10,000 people attended these rare and historic teachings, which were given at 23 locations in just 8 days. The teachings were a tremendous success.
